Sunday, December 23, 2012

Thank you, NRA

The National Rifle Association has finally done it.  They’ve given us a clear vision of the future of American society, at least for the first half of the twenty-first century.

The organization’s executive vice-president, Wayne LaPierre, has articulated an unassailable case for placing armed guards in every elementary school in American.  One really cannot argue with the perfection of his vision. 

It’s well past time we stopped coddling our youth.  These youngsters have no business being deluded by well-meaning adults.  The imagination stops here.  It stops now. 

As everyone with a pulse has figured out, we have nothing of value in our society.  There is nothing worth striving for besides money and power and trophy spouses.  Oh yeah, the cars.  One must have a statement vehicle.

But I digress.  The point is that we can no longer handicap our young by sustaining a notion that life is not horrible and stressful at all times and in all ways for the adult population.  This much is clear from recent public dialog, not only with regard to mass shootings of innocents, but also on the national front with elected leaders who are unable to work together or vaguely agree on what constitutes the “common good”.  Everybody loses is the new win-win.

If people of good will cannot break down barriers that keep us uninformed and stressed out about “those people” of whom we know nothing, it will certainly serve us right to degenerate into urban madness.  The homeland war that George W. Bush so often promised will be upon us, not perpetrated by the fundamentalist Islamists but by our own selves.  We have met the enemy and it’s us.  Can we all just get along?


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